We’re excited to kick off our Book Blast to enrich our students’ home libraries! Please watch this brief video to learn more: https://www.bb.booksarefun.com/testimonials
Book Blast begins today! All you have to do is invite 10+ friends and family members to earn some awesome prizes and a chance to win one of our Treasure Chests or an Epic Treasure Chest! Visit https://app.booksarefun.com/
#BookBlast #UnlockTheTreasure.
The first 75 to register and invite 10+ friends and family members will receive their treasure map prizes the very next day! Any student who qualifies after that will still receive the prizes after the event.
#bookblastadventures #booksarefun
¡Comienza la Book Blast hoy! Dedica 7 minutos esta noche a completar el Mapa del Tesoro para ganar increíbles recompensas, participar en sorteos de premios y comenzar a construir tu biblioteca en casa. ¡Invita a 10+ amigos y familiares para obtener tus recompensas y la oportunidad de ganar uno de los cuatro Cofres del Tesoro o Cofre del Tesoro Épico! Visita https://app.booksarefun.com/
Los primeros 75 en registrarse y 10+ amigos y familiares recibirán las recompensas al día siguiente. Cualquier estudiante que califique después recibirá igualmente las recompensas después del evento.
Follow these easy steps to maximize books for your students and to earn that $100 or $200 Shopping Spree!